Design & Technology
Pupil voice for DT:
"It was great making waistcoats. We were given support to improve our skills and I was really pleased with the finished product." - Year 6
"We are shown how to do it but also given freedom to make it ourselves." - Year 5
" We learnt about architects and how to make our structures stronger. " - Year 4
"Miss Prior showed us how to cut safely before making our tart. " - Year 3
" We tested out different shapes to see which was the strongest for making Baby Bear's chair." - Year 2
"I loved making puppets! Some of us chose to staple the fabric while others chose to glue. " - Year 1
"Ms Matthews always has lots of cardboard so I made a rocket!" - EYFS
Here are some examples of our DT unit overviews.
We focus on skills to achieve a purposeful outcome.