School Vision, Values and Ethos
Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
Our vision is to:
- Create a learning environment which is welcoming, supportive and challenging, so that every member of our community will want to come to school and will be motivated to do their best;
- Provide stimulating opportunities that will secure a lifelong love of learning and equip children with the confidence and independence needed in a rapidly changing world.
- Develop and nurture talent and aptitude of all kinds and at every level, so that each individual in the school's community feels valued and achieves success;
- Help children to become responsible citizens who contribute positively to society by ensuring that the values of honesty, integrity, tolerance, equality and friendship are at the heart of all we do
We want to ensure that our children have the very best opportunities and life choices.
We are part of the Bridge Academy Trust and our school values are aligned with the core purpose of the trust to provide high quality education for all children in our schools.
As a trust and a school we want children to ENJOY coming to school and the learning experiences available to them; Are ENRICHED with a wealth of opportunities inside and outside of lessons and the curriculum, so that all talents are identified and nurtured; ACHIEVE high standards: academically, in terms of examination results; personally, through their respect for others and their environment; socially, through their contribution to the life of the school and wider community and ASPIRE to be the best they can be.