Year 6
Year 6
Area | Stage 1 These are suggested tasks and other completed tasks that fit into a category are more than welcome! | Stage 2 These are suggested tasks and other completed tasks that fit into a category are more than welcome! |
Environment | Find out some of the effects of climate change and share it with your class. | Write a speech about an area of climate change that you feel passionate about. |
Recycle something at home to create a feeder for birds or bug hotel. | Find out 10 ways that you could help the environment and try to do at least 1. | |
Create a leaflet to help people to be more eco-friendly. | Find out 5 effects of climate change. | |
Write a list of suggestions of ways we can be more eco-friendly at school. | Research an endangered animal and find 3 ways that someone could help them. | |
Take part in a litter pick somewhere in your local area. | If you can, take a different route to school today and see if you notice anything you could do to help your environment. | |
Charity | Research a chosen charity and find five ways to support them. | Run a bake sale to support a charity. |
Create a poster for a charity event at school. | Donate unused items, clothes or food to a local charity. | |
Write a few paragraphs about someone that you know that has raised money for charity and what they did. | Create your own charity idea and ‘pitch’ it to Mrs Rodway | |
Interview someone that has raised money for charity. | Raise some money for a local charity | |
Help to plan a charity event outside of school. | Write a letter to a charity to tell them what great work their doing! | |
Helpfulness | Organise a litter pick of your local area. | Make a tour guide leaflet to promote our local area. |
Plan and cook a meal for the people at home. | Surprise someone at home by cleaning a room for them. | |
Create a map of our local area to help a visitor to Ongar find their way around. | Tidy up after yourself all day! | |
Research a local community project and find a way to raise awareness for it. | Find a way to help a local community project. | |
Visit a local business and write a positive review for their website. | Plan a picnic for someone else. | |
Kindness | Make a film for someone at home to watch to brighten their day. | Make someone at home a cup of tea at the end of the day. |
Set up a random act of kindness for someone else. | Write a letter to your future self to read at the end of Year 6. To tell yourself that you’re wonderful – being kind to ourselves is important too. | |
Do something to make you happy – Being kind to ourselves means we can be kind to others! | Find a way to ‘pay it forward’ or support a good cause. | |
Find 3 photos of you doing something you love and write about them. | Plan a fun activity for the people at home or a group of friends. | |
Write a list of things that you are grateful for. | Find a way to spend some time supporting a local community project. | |
Mentoring | Write a story and read it to a buddy in a younger year group to inspire their writing | Take on a role of responsibility at school. |
Design a wordsearch or crossword for a friend to solve using your spelling words. | Become a buddy to a younger pupil and encourage them to do something. | |
Design a board game and play it with a friend. | Help a younger child to learn a brand-new skill. | |
Write a book review for something you have read and share it with the class. | Support a younger child by helping them to achieve a goal. | |
Cheer someone up when they are having a difficult time and check in with them at another time too. | Teach your whole class a new skill | |
Team Spirit | Make a newspaper of positive world events to share with the class. | Represent a team at an out of school event. |
Congratulate a friend on an achievement with a handmade card. | Write a play with your friends and perform it to your class. | |
Take part in a team debate. | Catch up with a friend or relative that you haven’t seen in a while. | |
Try something new that is out of your comfort zone! | Work with a team to make up a dance and perform it to an audience. | |
Make a poster for a OPC event like the Christmas Bazaar or Summer Fete.
| Create a poster or motivational speech in the run up to sports day to inspire everyone! |