School Logo

Ongar Primary School

‘challenge yourself, inspire others’

Year 4

Hello Year 4!

Here you will find all of your home learning. Scroll down until you find the correct week!

Welcome back!

I hope you all had a lovely half-term and are ready to continue learning! Your work will be posted below. Find the correct week and day to find your work.


Each day you are expected to complete;


  • 1 English lesson
  • 1 maths lesson
  • 1 Family Learning lesson (Topic work)
  • 30 minutes of reading (BugClub or books you have at home)
  • 15 minutes spelling practice (Words on Year 4 homework page)
  • 15 minutes TTRockstars

Remember to continue to use Lexia, TTRockstars and Bugclub and send your videos of you reading. If you need your login for TTRockstars, BugClub or Lexia send me an email and I will send it over! If you have any other concerns also email. Please send all work completed to even if self-marked.


Miss Love

Maths Support Resources

Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795.

Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

