Year 1
Hello Year 1!
Click on the correct day to take you to your work for that day.
Each day you are expected to complete;
- 1 English lesson
- 1 maths lesson
- 1 Family Learning lesson (Topic work)
- 30 minutes phonics
- 15 minutes reading (Book Bug OR books you have at home)
- 15 minutes Lexia
If you need your login for BugClub or Lexia send me an email and I will send it over!
Please send all work completed to for marking and feedback.
Hello Year 1!
I hope you had a restful half term break and you're feeling refreshed ready for some more learning.
Zoom Meetings:
Tuesdays 11am - Story time
Wednesdays 12.15am - Phonics Games
1X reading video per week (Please email me this)
Please send all completed work to for marking and feedback.