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Ongar Primary School

‘challenge yourself, inspire others’

School Uniform

School uniform is widely considered to promote an effective work ethic, putting children into the right frame of mind to learn. Uniform helps to take away distractions that may be caused by other pupils’ clothing, accessories or hairstyles. At Ongar Primary School, we celebrate our differences and individuality through children’s talents, skills, relationships, determination and successes.  All pupils will be expected to wear the full school uniform clearly labelled with their name.


Our current uniform supplier is Createidentitee, click here to order directly from their website or printed order forms are available from the school reception area. in the interest of gender equality, all items and variations in uniform can be adopted by any child should they wish to wear them. We are mindful of cost implications and aim to ensure our uniform is accessible to all.


Listed below is a complete list of the items needed for school uniform:


EYFS to Year 2

School Uniform Items

Year group

Notes for Parents

Navy Blue Sweatshirt/Cardigan.

Ideally with the school badge/logo.


A plain navy-blue unbranded alternative is perfectly acceptable.

White Polo Shirt.

Ideally with the school badge/logo.


A plain white unbranded alternative is perfectly acceptable.


Navy-Blue PLAIN  joggers


Widely available online, from the high street or from supermarket uniform suppliers.

Charcoal Grey Trousers, Skirt, Pinafore Dress or Tailored Shorts.


Widely available online, from the high street or from supermarket uniform suppliers.

Charcoal grey or white socks

Charcoal grey tights


Widely available online, from the high street or from supermarket uniform suppliers.

Flat, Plain Black School Shoes

KS1/EYFS children should have velcro fastenings where possible


In the interests of safety and comfort for children, parents must avoid any heels, backless shoes, boots or sandals. Trainers are also not ideal for growing feet and synthetic liners can cause excessive sweating

In Summer:



Dark Blue & White Gingham Summer Dress or Cullotte Playsuit


Widely available online, from the high street or from supermarket uniform suppliers.

  • Shoes to be plain black with no logos or colour flashes;
  • Hair ties/hair bands plain navy or white – no decoration or glitter;
  • No nail varnish;
  • Earring to be plain studs only.


PE Kit – all years


PE Uniform Items

Notes for Parents

White Polo Shirt.

Ideally with the school badge/logo.

A plain unbranded alternative is perfectly acceptable.

French Navy Sports Shorts

Ideally with the school badge/logo.

A plain navy-blue unbranded alternative is perfectly acceptable

French Navy Tracksuit

Ideally with the school badge.

alternative to joggers if your child prefers.


A PLAIN (unbranded) navy-blue tracksuit or joggers is acceptable.

From Y3-Y6 PE will be outdoors whenever appropriate or possible so cold weather attire is necessary.

Black or white plain trainers.

No bright /garish colours.

Astro-turf trainers (those with the firm pimpled soles) cannot be worn for indoor PE sessions. Please avoid these.

For reasons of safety and your  child’s health & wellbeing, Ongar Primary School also require your child to have;

  • a suitable coat (especially in the winter months),
  • an appropriate bag for carrying reading books and other supplies to and from school,
  • a reusable and refillable water-bottle for personal use and
  • that long hair be tied back
  • One pair of stud earrings can be worn to school, but your child must be able to remove and replace them for PE and other activities. No other jewellery should be brought or worn to school

*It is hoped that children representing the school in sporting events wear school logo tracksuit.  Otherwise any plain navy blue tracksuit is optional for the colder weather.


As with all personal property, the school cannot and does not accept any responsibility for any lost earrings or other jewellery brought into school.


Essex County Council advises that it is safer for a child who normally wears glasses to continue to do so for any P.E. activity.  If your child wears glasses please discuss this with their class teacher.  In planning P.E. lessons, teachers will take all reasonable steps to minimise the risk of an accident by considering the activity involved and the child’s role. Parents are encouraged to consider their responsibilities by providing glasses which are softer-edged with shatterproof glass and secured firmly to the head.

No earrings can be worn during any P.E sessions.  Children need to be able to independently remove and care for these items.


All clothing and footwear should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.


Lost Property  -  All items of clothing should be clearly labelled.   This helps children identify their own clothes and assists with reuniting lost property.  It is always worth checking with your child’s teacher if you are missing any items, in case they have been left in class.  Unfortunately,  we cannot store or hold any lost property.  Items not claimed will be disposed of. 

Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795.

Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

