Year 5
Hi Year 5
I was so proud of every single one of you for working so hard on your home learning last half term. Hopefully, we will be back in the classroom all together soon but until then, we need to continue to work hard on our home learning. I hope that you all have had a lovely half term break.
It is really important that you complete your home learning as we will be looking at new topics. If you we don't have a Zoom lesson it is important that you watch the pre-recorded videos to guide you through your work.
Please do not worry or struggle without seeking help. I am here to help and want to make sure that you are able to understand the work at home.
Each day you will be set:
- 1 hour of English
- 1 hour of Maths
- 1 hour of family learning
- 1/2 hour of Reading (Bug Club, Lexia or you can read a book from home)
- 15 minutes of TT Rockstars
- 15 minutes of Spellings
If you require any logins for Bug Club or TT rockstars please let me know. When you have finished your work or if you have any questions please feel free to email me at
I can't wait to have you all back in the classroom but until then I look forward to seeing the work that you complete at home.
Miss Gregory