I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Last week, you earned 301 dojos altogether and so have earned 2 more dojo monster eyes towards your class treat, well done! Hopefully we have another good week this week. Remember to send me your work as soon as you can so I can give you feedback and dojos!
Your work for today is below;
Maths - Short division
English - Reading skills lesson
Remember to use Lexia, Bugclub and practise your spellings (on the Year 4 homework page). Also, try to play on TTRockstars as often as possible; a new competition has started between Year 4 and Year 5 and Year 5 think they are going to win so you need to prove them wrong!
Have a great day! Miss Love
Short Division Explained

Short Division Examples

We are starting a new two week learning block in English today. It is going to be based on a short film called 'Spy Fox'. I hope you like it.
English Worksheets
P Star Video

English - 1, 2, 3 Star